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Analytical Chemistry (2019)
Stoecklein D, and Di Carlo D
Dhar M, Lam JN, Walser T, Dubinett SM, Rettig MB, and Di Carlo D
PNAS (2018)
Lab on a Chip (2018)
Li M, van Zee M, Goda K, and Di Carlo D
Scientific Reports (2018)
Dhar M, Wong J, Che J, Matsumoto M, Grogan T, Elashoff D, Garon EB, Goldman JW, Sollier Christen E, Di Carlo D, and Kelkarni RP
Biomicrofluidics (2018)
Haddadi H, Naghsh-Nilchi H, and Di Carlo D
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (2017)
Che J, and Di Carlo D
Khojah, Stoutamore R, and Di Carlo D
Lab on a Chip (2017)
Lab on a Chip (2017)
Che J, Yu V, Garon EB, Goldman JW, and Di Carlo D
Scientific Reports (2017)
Li M, Munoz HE, Goda K, and Di Carlo D
Lab on a Chip (2017)
Li M, Munoz HE, Schmidt A, Guo B, Lei C, Goda K, and Di Carlo D
Haddadi H and Di Carlo D
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2017)
Scientific Reports (2016)
Dhar M, Pao E, Renier C, Go DE, Che J, Montoya R, Conrad R, Matsumoto M, Heirich K, Triboulet M, Rao J, Jeffrey SS, Garon EB, Goldman J, Rao NP, Kulkarni R, Sollier-Christen E, and Di Carlo D
Lab on a Chip (2016)
Hood K, Kahkeshani S, Di Carlo D, and Roper M
Oncotarget (2016)
Che J, Yu V, Dhar M, Renier C, Matsumoto M, Heirich K, Garon EB, Goldman J, Rao J, Sledge GW, Pegram MD, Sheth S, Jeffrey SS, Kulkarni K, Sollier E, and Di Carlo D
Biomicrofluidics (2015)
Dhar M, Wong J, Karimi A, Che, J, Renier C, Matsumoto M, Triboulet T, Garon EB, Goldman JW, Rettig MB, Jeffrey SS, Kulkarni RP, Sollier E, and Di Carlo D
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2015)
Kahkeshani S, Haddadi H, and Di Carlo D
Advanced Materials (2015)
Wu CY, Owsley K, and Di Carlo D
Nature Communications (2015)
Paulsen KS, Di Carlo D, and Chung AJ
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (2015)
Sollier E, Amini H, Go DE, Sandoz PA, Owsley K, and Di Carlo D
Dudani JS, Gossett DR, Tse HTK, Lamm RJ, Kalkarni RP, and Di Carlo D
Biomicrofluidics (2015)
Lab on a Chip (2014)
Amini H, Lee W, and Di Carlo D
Nunes JK, Wu CY, Amini H, Owsley K, Di Carlo D, and Stone HA
Advanced Materials (2014)
Analytical Chemistry (2014)
Dudani JS, Go DE, Gossett DR, Tan AP, and Di Carlo D
PLoS One (2013)
Che J, Mach AJ, Go DE, Talati I, Ying Y, Rao J, Kulkarni RP, and Di Carlo D
Lab on a Chip (2013)
Tan AP, Dudani JS, Arshi A, Lee RJ, Tse HT, Gossett DR, and Di Carlo D
Lab on a Chip (2013)
Sollier E, Go DE, Che J, Daniel Gossett, Sean O'Byrne, Weaver WM, Kummer N, rettig M, Goldman J, Nickols N, McCloskey S, Kulkarni R, and Di Carlo D
Amini H, Sollier E, Massaeli M, Xie Y, Ganapathysubramanian B, Stone HA, and di Carlo D
Nature Communications (2013)
Lab on a Chip (2013)
Chung AJ, Pulido D, Oka JC, Masaeli M, Amini H, and Di Carlo D
Mach AJ, Adeyiga O, and Di Carlo D
Lab on a Chip (2013)
Small (2013)
Chung AJ, Gossett DR, and Di Carlo D
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (2012)
Murray C, McCoul D, Sollier E, Ruggiero T, Niu X, Pei Q, and Di Carlo D
PLoS ONE (2012)
Hur SC, Brinckerhoff TZ, Walthers CM, Dunn JCY, and Di Carlo D
Physical Review X (2012)
Masaeli M, Sollier E, Amini H, Mao W, Camacho K, Doshi N, Mitragotri S, Alexeev A, and Di Carlo D
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2012)
Weaver WM, Milisavljevic V, Miller JF, and Di Carlo
PNAS (2012)
Amini H, Sollier E, Weaver WM, and Di Carlo
Gossett DR, Tse HTK, Dudani JS, Goda K, Woods TA, Graves SW, and Di Carlo D
Small (2012)
PNAS (2012)
Goda K, Ayazi A, Gossett DR, Sadasivam J, Lonappan CK, Sollier E, Fard AM, Hur SC, Adam J, Murray C, Wang C, Brackbill N, Di Carlo D, and Jalali B
Sollier E, Murray C, Maoddi P, and Di Carlo D
Lab on a Chip (2011)
Lab on a Chip (2011)
Sollier E, Murray C, Maoddi P, and Di Carlo D
Hur SC, Choi SE, Kwon S, and Di Carlo D
Applied Physics Letters (2011)
Biomicrofluidics (2011)
Hur SC, Mach AJ, and Di Carlo
Hur SC, Henderson-MacLennan NK, McCabe ERB, and Di Carlo D
Lab on a Chip (2011)
PNAS (2010)
Lee W, Amini H, Stone HA, and Di Carlo D
Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2010)
Mach AJ and Di Carlo D
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2010)
Gossett DR, Weaver WM, Mach AJ, Hur SC, Tse HTK, Lee W, Amini H, and Di Carlo D
Analytical Chemsitry (2010)
Oakey J, Applegate RW, Arellano E Jr, and Di Carlo D
Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation (2010)
Heikali D and Di Carlo D
Lab on a Chip (2010)
Hur SC, Tse HTK, and Di Carlo D
Lab on a Chip (2009)
Dino Di Carlo
Analytical Chemistry (2009)
Gossett DR and Di Carlo D
Russom A, Gupta AK, Nagrath S, Di Carlo D, Edd JF, and Toner M
New Journal of Physics (2009)
Physical Review Letters (2009)
Di Carlo D, Edd JF, Humphry KJ, Stone HA, and Toner M
Lab on a Chip (2008)
Hsu CH, Di Carlo D, Chen C, Irimia D, and Toner M
Edd JF, Di Carlo D, Humphrey KJ, Koester S, Irimia D, Weitz DA, and Toner M
Lab on a Chip (2008)
Analytical Chemistry (2008)
Di Carlo D, Edd JF, Irimia D, Tompkins RG, and Toner M
Di Carlo D, Irimia D, Tompkins RG, and Toner M
PNAS (2007)
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